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Data Upload

Step by step instructions on how to upload your Customer Data into Lucro automatically with our simple tool

Written by Lucro Support
Updated over 9 months ago

How does the Upload Data tool work?

The Upload Data tool is a quick and easy way in which to upload your existing Customer data into Lucro.

The tool works by taking your data from a file in .CSV format and then as Lucro reads the file, it requires you to match each field / data name from your file to the corresponding field name in Lucro.

Below we walk you through the steps of how to upload your data into Lucro. Please note, if you have difficulties with this process and require assistance just reach out to our AI Support who can assist you. If required, we can complete the import for you, at no charge, so long as the data is provided to us in the standard format required.

1. Firstly, go to the Customers menu, then select the “Upload Data” sub menu.

2. You will then be presented with the screen below:

Step 1

Requires you to select the CSV file to upload – this is your file which contains all of your Customer data you wish to upload into Lucro.

Click the “Choose file” button on the screen and then choose the file from your device which contains your Customer data to be uploaded. Once you have chosen your file, the file name will display to the right of the “Choose file” button.

Please note the ONLY file formats we can accept are .CSV so if you have your data in another format such as an excel .xls or xlsx file or similar then you just need to save it in excel into CSV format. You can do this quickly in Excel by going to File / Save As / File Format and selecting “CSV” or “Comma-delimited” options.

Once you’re data file has been chosen, click the “Next” button to proceed to Step 2 in the process.

You can download our standard template from this page by clicking on the text “Download sample CSV”. We recommend you look at this file as it shows you which data fields you can upload using this tool and as part of our free upload service.

You don’t have to use our template and instead can use your own template if you wish, but if you do so, please just ensure that you field / data names are clear to you as this is crucial to the upload completing successfully.

Please note - if you require additional fields / data items to be uploaded which are not contained in our template, then this would require a bespoke upload which we can complete for you, but would be chargeable.

Step 2

You will then see the following options as per the image below:

In this step, you now need to match the field / data names from your uploaded file to the corresponding field names in Lucro. The Lucro field names appear above each of the 8 boxes on the page and all of the field names from the uploaded file appear in the list of values by selecting the down arrow on any of the boxes.

All Lucro fields name with a red star are mandatory and must be matched else the import won’t be processed.

So, for example, using our standard CSV template, our first field name is “customer_name” so we need to match this to the first Lucro field on the top left which is “Customer Name”.

To match a Lucro field name with the corresponding field name from the upload file, simply click the down arrow to the right of the box and select the relevant value from the list.

You then repeat this matching process for all 5 mandatory (red star) fields as a minimum and can also match the additional 3 optional fields if you wish to do so in order to maximise the benefit of the upload and add more data into Lucro.

If you refer to the image below, you will see how all 8 field names and file values from our default template match up:


If your file contains any values for the fields “Source” or “Tags” which do not already exist in Lucro, then you must add them to Lucro first before processing the upload else any records will be skipped which contain missing values.

Once all mandatory (at least) fields have been matched up along with any optional fields, click the “Process” button to process the upload. Note a maximum of 1,000 records can be processed per upload.

Once processed, a confirmation message will be displayed to show how many records have been uploaded – see below example:

Each row on the file relates to 1 Customer record. In the event that any records which could not be uploaded, an error message will be displayed to report accordingly.

The uploaded has now been completed and you can now view your uploaded customer data by going to Customers / View Customers where all records will be displayed with your newest records at the top of the page and the “Date Added” value being the date the upload was processed.

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