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Traffic Lights

Detailed breakdown of How the Traffic Lights work, when they update and where they are used.

Written by Lucro Support
Updated over 4 months ago

How do the Traffic Lights work?

The Traffic Lights, which appear in multiple places in Lucro, are a simple but very effective way of managing both Leads and Contracts.

The Traffic Lights provide a RAG (Red / Amber / Green) method of both organising and prioritising which Leads / Contracts should be contacted first, based on their last contact. The Traffic Lights automatically update every hour and allow for Monday – Friday working only.

Traffic Lights are a Premium feature and therefore only accessible via one of our Paid Plans - see our Pricing Page for an itemised breakdown of our Plans.

Traffic Light Examples

Example 1:

  • A Lead is updated at 3 pm on Weds and prior to the update the Light was Red. Following the update, the Light now turns Green and DLU is set to 0.

  • At 3 pm on Thurs, unless the Lead has been updated again, the Light will automatically turn Amber and the DLU value set to 1.

Example 2:

  • A Contract is updated at 11 am on Thurs and prior to the update the Light was Amber. Following the update, the Light now turns Green and DLU is set to 0.

  • At 11 am on Mon, unless the Contract has been updated again, the Light will automatically turn Red and the DLU value set to 2.

A summary of the way the Traffic Lights work:

Green Light

The Lead / Contract has been updated within the last 24 hours.

Amber Light

Over 24 hours since last update, but less than 72 hours.

Red Light

Over 48 hours since last update.

Days Last Update (DLU)

This is a count of the number of days since the last update. For example, if a Lead hasn’t been updated for 5 days, then the Traffic Light will be Red and the DLU value will be “5”.

The Traffic Lights consist of multiple items, depending on where in Lucro they are being viewed from – below we detail the different areas Traffic Lights are displayed and the breakdown of information provided with them.

Leaderboard Traffic Lights

Please note, only statistics for Leads are displayed in the Leaderboard and therefore all of the User’s whose names appear are mostly of the “General” User Type.

Lucro Traffic Light

From left to right the items displayed in the image above are:

  • "Salesperson name"
    Name of the User (General User Type most commonly) whose traffic lights are being displayed to the right of their name.

  • Red Light
    The number “1” denotes the number of Leads for this user currently with a Red light and “33%” is number 1 as a % the total number of live leads (i.e 3 in this example).

  • Amber Light
    The number “0” denotes the number of Leads for this user currently with a Amber light and “0” is number 0 as a % the total number of live leads (i.e 3 in this example).

  • Green Light

    The number “2” denotes the number of Leads for this user currently with a Green light and “66%” is number 2 as a % the total number of live leads (i.e 3 in this example).

  • The value to the right of the Traffic Lights
    This is the total number of LIVE leads for this user (i.e all the combination of all Leads combined for the 3 traffic lights).

Live Leads / Live Contracts Traffic Lights

Lucro Live Leads / Contract Traffic Light

The above image shows:

  • TL = Traffic Light: Red which means that the Lead / Contract hasn't been updated for at least 48 hours.

  • DLU = Days Last Update: 16 Days ago in this example.

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